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My time at the box - a memoir

“Everything you see before you has been moulded from nothing but scraps of paper, memory and time.” – An adaptation an extract from the ending of the first paragraph in the author’s note of this memoir.


In February 2012 Nathan Denny walked through the doors of 73-75 Pershore Street, Birmingham on what was just another ordinary day. In May 2014 Nathan Denny found himself walking out of The Leisurebox (73-75 Pershore Street) for the very last time.


This memoir is an account of time spent at what remained of a once glamourous venue that had suffered various fates snice its opening in 1964-1965. Speak the words “silver blades” to any brummie and a spark of recognition twinkles in their eyes, but where were those people when the building needed them most?


Part memoir and part historical recollection “My time at the box” aims to inform the future generations about a much loved lost part of the city and the former generations an insight into what become of the venue that, like Nathan Denny, that had spent their youth enjoying weekend after weekend for as long as the good times lasted.


“I hereby wish everyone that features in this story, and those of whom played a part but do not, all the very best for their future.” – Nathan Denny

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